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Ways To Collect Exceptional Testimonials

A compliment is a gift that keeps on giving. When you convert compliments into testimonials, they can bring more money into your business. If someone says you were worth every penny, or if you helped them double their income, you've just increased your chances of getting a sale.

In fact, more than half of business owners say they avoid asking for testimonials altogether. In addition to getting you a discovery call, a stellar testimonial can also prime the pump before you speak with a potential client."

Do you want to ensure you don't leave any money on the table and capture every revenue-generating piece of praise you can? Start collecting testimonials today.

1. Think beyond your clientele

If you're just starting out, collecting testimonials can feel like a Catch-22. If you haven't had anyone pay for your services yet, how will you get testimonials? There is, however, no law that says every testimonial must come from someone who has worked with you.

You can get a testimonial from someone you have helped in some way. Talk about what you do everywhere. Engage in conversations with people where you can give helpful advice. As soon as you hear someone say, "Oh that was helpful!" that's your cue."

After a casual conversation where you provided stellar advice, you might have to break out of your comfort zone to ask for a testimonial. It is, however, worth it. Most people are more than happy to let you use their feedback as a testimonial. There may even be a long list of testimonials before you have ever been hired.

2. What Are The Right Questions To Ask?

You need to ask the right questions if you want positive testimonials. Avoid general questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. (Think, "Would you recommend me to friends and family?")

Ask specific questions that require some explanation. Consider: "What are some reasons you'd recommend me to your friends and family?" or "How has your life changed since we started working together?").

Furthermore, asking specific questions often requires your client to tell a little bit of their back story. A potential client can visualize the difference their life could be if they worked with you after hearing about another person's journey.

3. Waiting until the end of the process is not a good idea

At the end of the process, most people send a feedback form to their clients and then try to collect quotes from them. We recommend asking your clients for feedback along the way so that you have testimonials for each step of the way.

Help your potential customers see the journey they'll take with you by asking your current customers questions at the beginning and the middle about the investment they made and the progress they're seeing, If you wait until after you've served them, they might not remember everything. That's why it's imperative to capture that information along the way.

Think about the times in your process when you dispel a fear, solve a problem, hand over a deliverable, or all of the above. If you provide each new client with a comprehensive and detailed project plan after your initial consultation, that’s a smart time to check-in and ask for written feedback. Collecting feedback that your new client has confidence in you and your abilities to achieve the desired transformation can help other potential clients trust that you’ll create a similarly detailed plan for them and their unique circumstances early in the process.

4. Based on a variety of formats

You don't always have to use a feedback form to collect testimonials. Seeing someone praising your work on Facebook? Snap a picture. Have you received an email from a client gushing about how confident they feel working with you? Keep it. Have you seen someone praise you on Instagram? Save it.

Be clear with your clients that you would like to share their quotes, and always give them the option to exclude their names.

Consider how you evaluate products based on reviews or ratings. Would you rather see hundreds of reviews or just a handful? ‘There’s strength in numbers became a cliche for a reason.

Even if you don’t have really long or elaborate testimonials from many people, as long as you have a higher number of them, that can tip the scales for you when it comes to selling your services. The more the merrier for your business’s bottom line.


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